Teaching framework
At Florimont, student supervision is a universal priority; every member of the school community is focused on student care and well-being.
This starts from the moment students arrive at school, with daily class tutor time from 8.10-8.20 am.
Florimont has a department dedicated solely to pastoral care, offering support to students and their families on non-academic matters. Our Vie scolaire (pastoral care) team handles every aspect of student life, from attendance and lockers to playground supervision.
Supervised study
The aim of supervised study is to support students to work independently and individually on their homework. A supervisor is present just to ensure students work in silence.
Study support
Study support is offered to students from 6ème with homework and revision, helping them develop an effective system of study that works for them.
The support staff, consisting of teachers and university students, work with 3-4 students checking that they have completed their homework for the next day and making sure that they have understood the content of the day’s lessons.
Students who attend and actively participate in study support can go home having completed most of the next day’s homework. Any remaining homework or issues not covered are indicated in the student’s homework diary.
NB: students will get the maximum benefit from study support if they attend at least 3 sessions a week.
Remedial maths
Students who struggle with mathematics work in small groups to fill the gaps in their learning.
Florimont has two libraries, one for Primaire (Primary) students and one for secondary school students in the learning centre, or CDI (Centre de Documentation et d’Information).
The primary classes can use the Primaire library at lunchtime to read or enjoy interactive activities.
Secondary students are welcome to use the CDI in their free time, study periods or in learning sessions with teachers. We offer a range of learning activities on subjects such as background information, media, promoting reading and cultural awareness. Resources are available in print (fiction and non-fiction books, magazines) and in digital format (CDs, DVDs and internet).
Pikas method to combat bullying
The Pikas method encourages bullies to find the solutions to the problem they have created, through one-to-one interactions which diffuse the group effect. Conversations are between a member of the team, the bully or bullies and witnesses, with the aim of arousing empathy for the victim and putting an end to the situation.
UK research into the Pikas method has high rates of success: 75% for Smith & Sharp (1994) and 89% for Duncan (1996). British teachers interviewed by P K Smith (2001) gave an effectiveness score of 3.9 on a scale of 1 to 5. A survey carried out in Australian primary and secondary schools produced a success rate of 85-100%.
The problem of school bullying
As part of the action on encouraging health and well-being, living together and understanding differences, the Institut regularly organises workshops on bullying.
The issue is growing, especially with the increased use of social media, and regular presentations from experts (such as lawyers and police officers) can teach students about the impact of their actions.
Types of bullying
– Physical (pushing, hitting, taking belongings, etc.);
– Verbal (spreading rumours, name-calling, teasing, etc.);
– Social (exclusion in the canteen, playground, classroom, team sports lessons, any kind of rejection, etc.);
– Cyber-bullying (repeated messages, rumours, sharing private photos, etc.);
– Extortion or threats.
– Presence of physical and/or psychological violence;
– Power imbalance (physical size, in a group or alone, etc.);
– Silence (of witnesses and victim);
– Victim does not defend themselves due to fear or lack of self-confidence.
Warning signs
– Change in behaviour (becomes cheekier, participates less, etc.);
– Isolation (appears withdrawn, eats alone, spends breaks in toilets, etc.);
– Declining school grades;
– Looks sad, and withdrawn;
– Frequent visits to the school nurse with stomach aches, and headaches;
– Anxious about coming to school;
– Loss of concentration;
– Seeks out adults.
If you have concerns, please contact the child’s class teacher who will advise the relevant Pikas team member.